Supreme commander 2 console commands
Supreme commander 2 console commands

supreme commander 2 console commands

I want to learn how to do GOD MODE for specific units or all units w/e is avlible and MABY if possible insti-Build for PLAYER ONLY not for AI in the game. Now for the things i want to learn on how to cheat this game. There i have explained how i cheat Supreme commander 2. Thus i can only use that method in skrimishes witch works fine. but if i findout what address this code writs to in campain ( witch attaches a debugger to the prosses) the game becomes unstable and freezes and then crashes. In campain i have only been able to cheat resources the LONG but in skrimishes i can find out what code writes to the resource adresses and thenonce a new game starter (campain mission) the code changes for resources so i have to search all values again. Thus that is how i cheat resources the LONG way. change value to 999 (breaks game any higher) ingame reserche some stuff (changin value) repete same steps for others. Search for energy value then repete changing value step and find adress easily because i have the adress for mass (Same Adress). findout witch one changes the mass by trial and error. Look for change in the value and i end up with about 3-6 adressses. search for mass value in CE 4.UNPAUSE game and allow mass to change value and then PAUSE again. (only works in campain and skrimishes) 1.make sure im already in game skrimish or mission. now i will list what i do to hack resources. I would like to simplify my methods for hacking resources if anyone can help me. But that is far as i have gotten and it seems like its a very repetitive process to be able to hack. I have been able to hack All Resources Ex: Mass, Energy, Research. I would like someone to educate me on how to further hack this game because i want to LEARN how to hack what i want to hack. Posted: Mon 10:03 pm Post subject: Supreme commander 2

Supreme commander 2 console commands