Tanton quarantino
Tanton quarantino

This week, we're up to 2011 and Django Unchained, Quentin's take on the slave trade era of America's deep south. Otherwise, the province may be opening up but Quarantino continues here in the back row.

tanton quarantino tanton quarantino


Made in the early '90s, the series faithfully adapts 21 of the classic Hergé books, including Tintin in Tibet, which is an interesting one because there is no real villain, just nature (and a yeti) doing its thing. Kids will be into it (kids are super easy to please) but the rest of us can take a hard pass.Ī better option, if you need to scratch that cartoon itch, is to check out all three seasons of The Adventures of Tintin on Amazon Prime. There's also SCOOB! a new animated Scooby-Doo flick that brings almost nothing new to the table other than a short origin-story scene about how the gang all met. Especially not when you can watch The Irishman for free. This one is worth a watch but not at $20 a rental. The flick itself is all over the place, and not in a good way, but Hardy goes all-in, aspiring to Nic Cage-like levels of scenery chewing. There are some new flicks starting to pop up on the streaming services, notably Capone, a haphazardly constructed biopic starring Tom Hardy ( Warrior, Venom) as the infamous gangster in his later years, as memories and dementia (and syphilis) wash away his existence.

Tanton quarantino